Gusto's Fabulous Flamingo Has Tenacity FITB - "Paulina" Lina
CH Aria's No Strings Attached at Tenacity RN TKN FITG x
GCH Highland's You've Got Big Plans (see Berner Garde for her
performance titles)
bred by Jess Anichini and Lynne Washburn owned by Erica Hartt
DOB: December 10, 2021
Average age of death in her 5 generation pedigree is 9.69 years with all
dates and causes of death known
Her mother is alive and Is 7.3 years old as of September 2024.
Her sire is alive and is 8.3 years old as of September 2024
Her Maternal Grandmother passed at 10 years old
Her Maternal Grandfather is alive at 9.3 years old as of February 2024
Her Paternal Grandmother passed at 11.5
Her Paternal Grandfather passed at 8 years and 10 months
Maternal Great Grandparents average age of death is 8.9
Paternal Great Grandparents average age of death is 10.5
all 10 litter mates are alive
bernergarde id: 199044
vWD: clear
histio test: tested and in HSIMS
OFA hips: good
OFA elbows: normal
DM SOD1A: clear
SOD1B: clear
heart: normal
eyes: normal
Embark genetic panel completed
Lina is Pauly's daughter and the answer to many prayers. She was one of two females in a litter of 11. I could tell from the day she was born that she looked much like her daddy. Her breeder did an exceptional job raising this litter. Her natural ability with dogs helped these puppies develop into confident, well adjusted babies. Lina is confident, good natured, alert and very loving. She has an incredible drive to work. I can hardly wait to see what she will accomplish. Hopefully she follows in her mother's footsteps.
Lina has the most beautiful correct head. Her skull is broad and flat. She has an intelligent, gentle, animated expression. Her muzzle is strong and straight. She is sturdy while still appearing feminine.
She has a strong, muscular neck of medium length. Her topline is level from the withers to the croup. She has her father's beautiful smoothly rounded croup. She has excellent tail set and carriage. Her front legs are strong and straight. She has very sturdy bone and lovely big round compact feet with well arched toes.
She has a beautiful balanced side gait with excellent reach and drive. Her foot timing is correct.